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Fleas and Ticks: How to Keep Your Pets Safe


Yuma Pest Blog

Your pets are important to you, and so is their health. However, while you try to make sure that your dog gets plenty of exercise and your cat is stimulated with toys, one thing you should always worry about is the spread of fleas or ticks.

Unfortunately, due to our changing climate, tick-borne diseases have doubled in the last 13 years, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). While these numbers are for humans, an increase in ticks can be just as bad news for pets as well.

So, with that in mind, we want to cover the best ways to ensure that your pets are safe from fleas and ticks.

Talk With Your Vet

Fortunately, there are plenty of prevention methods out there to keep these critters from camping out on your pet’s fur. While you can find some over-the-counter options, it’s always best to consult your veterinarian instead. Yes, the high-end stuff will cost more, but it’s also way more effective, meaning that you can use it worry-free.

Check Your Pets Regularly

If your dog or cat is scratching or chewing themselves more than usual, it could be a sign of an infestation or a disease. Ideally, you’ll be able to catch any fleas or ticks before they become a significant problem. The best way to do this is to inspect your pets regularly and look for signs of bites.

Keep a Clean Environment

When was the last time you washed your dog’s bed? How often do you bathe your cat? It’s all too easy to get complacent when it comes to your pet’s hygiene, but staying on top of it can be the best prevention for fleas and ticks. Not only should you clean your pet regularly, but make sure that it’s bedding and toys are washed often as well.

Call an Exterminator

At Yuma Pest Control, we are more than familiar with the havoc that fleas and ticks can wreak on your pets. Once an infestation takes hold, it’s challenging to remove it entirely. Not only that, but these bugs can jump from pets to humans, meaning that you and your family’s health and safety is also at risk.

Call us today to get a consultation and home inspection. We can not only help eradicate any critters currently in your home, but we’ll make sure that they don’t come back either.

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